Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Story of Pisces: From Original Sketch to Scratch Board

The Story of Pisces: From
Original Sketch to Scratch Board.
There are many stories of how the constellations were formed, the concept behind this art work is based on one story of how the Pisces constellation was formed.

In a nutshell, the story went like this:
The Goddess Venus (Aphrodite) was scared into hiding and two dolphins came to her rescue, as a gift from the Gods, they made the constellation of Pisces.

From an artistic stand point, this work of art was originally developed out of sketches in my sketchbook and then transferred to the pencil drawing in the top right hand corner, after I got the original sketch onto tracing paper, I etched the basic shapes into the scratchboard and then added the details of the rocks. Below those two, was an illustration of the dolphins.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tour de Afrique, "Happiness"

"Happiness": Acrylic on Canvas, 16 in. x 18 in
This painting was one of the first of four paintings that I did in my "Tour de Afrique" Series. This series was painted during my trips to Africa.

This painting is titled "Happiness," and was painted back in 1999. The concept behind the painting was to have an underlying message to promote happiness among people and was communicated through the usage of the bright colors, simple organic shapes that were expressive and abstract.
  1. The green symbolizes life on earth
  2. The yellow symbolizes the light of the sun, an array of hope for the human race
  3. The blue symbolizes the water of the earth that gives life to everyone
  4. The patterns that the blues, pinks and purples make, symbolize diversity, to coexist.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is Art?

Art can mean a lot of different things to different people. For me Art can be something concrete, abstract, done by hand or even done on the computer. It can be commercial, personal or even controversial, but it's all artwork for me.

By trade I am a Graphic Designer, but I love photography, illustration and painting. As a graphic designer, I am a commercial artist; as a photographer, I am a painter with light. As far as fine art and illustration go, I paint or draw whatever I feel like at the time of creating the artwork. This type of art is more personal for me.

In the upcoming weeks, months and years, I will be writing short blogs about various things that relate to all forms of art. In these upcoming blogs, sometimes I will include my commercial work and sometimes I will include my personal work.

I hope that you will enjoy my blog, look forward to reading whatever posts or comments that you have.